Judging by my experience and the experiences shared by others, emotional abuse often gets veiled under “less offensive” terms. The abuser may be characterized as overly critical, controlling, misguided, unfair, grouchy, or just plain mean. I find that these words mostly act to whitewash the intent, malice, pain, and emotional stress that targets must endure.
Denying the crushing weight that 30+ years of emotional abuse placed on my broken heart also meant I had to devise excuses – and even accept the excuses that she and others offered.
She lost her mother at a very young age, so she just wants to be very involved in your life.
I can understand a desire to be present, but not to mistreat.
It’s a generational gap.
Culturally, her generation knew more about honor and respect of fellow man. This doesn’t explain a damned thing.
She means well.
In what way? If you know you’re hurting me, and keep repeating the behavior, then you mean it.
Blood is thicker than water.
It simply isn’t, and this has been an excuse to ignore the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse that occurs in family structures.
All families are dysfunctional.
No. All families face issues – not necessarily dysfunction. When love and respect are present, those issues can be overcome.
She was frustrated about my father abusing her, so she took it out on the nearest target.
Even if this is true… and even if one can agree that she deserves sympathy… none of that erases her culpability or explains how she is getting worse long after she and dad parted ways.
She’s controlling because she cares.
That doesn’t even make sense. You care for things that you care for. You don’t control things you care for. It is dangerous to claim that wanting to eradicate another person’s free will and their right to enjoy life on their own terms is an act of caring. Nonsense like that leads people to stay in abusive relationships.
You’re taking it wrong/overreacting.
You can’t take pain “wrong.” If you call me a name… it hurts. If you withhold love and punish me for disappointing you… it hurts. If you wrongly accuse me of doing something evil… it hurts. If you do these things repeatedly, knowing that it hurts me, I am not overreacting to excuse you from my life. Period.
Maybe you’re doing something wrong.
Let’s pretend I’m doing something wrong. Let’s pretend I went against her advice and failed. Let’s admit my ex-husband wasn’t the best choice for me. Which one of those “crimes” should result in a personal, low, verbal bashing that includes attacks on my character, rude comments about my personal life, lies about things I never said, and a reminder about things my childhood flaws (although they were really just signs of being a child)? Maybe I am doing something wrong. Or maybe you should just mind your business and stay in your lane.
She’s like that with everybody.
How in the world does knowing how my mother also mistreats strangers make me feel any relief when she mistreats me? Do we assign points now for “equal opportunity” in this case?
Finally, the latest gem she actually offered to me: “Now that I’m getting older, I feel like I’ve earned the right to say exactly what’s on my mind.”
It’s funny how some use the term “what’s on your mind” to describe criticism, spite, and vitriol. You never earn the right to hurt others who’ve done you no wrong. Never.
While you're waiting for Part 2 -
Bonus Link for your Reading Pleasure:
The Silent Partner (aka the other family member(s) who watch and may even make excuses for the abuse)
I read this and share a pain for a relationship with my Mom that could have been 'this' but instead was 'that'. What I think is very different for us is our sexes, and possibly the birth order.
I agree with you completely with your reasoning. I wish that I could have separated from my family completely when I left for the Army. But each time I go away I would come back thinking like those who would speak to you and grant excuses for family and tell me that I shouldn't be that way.
When people talk about having problems with family, I advise them to let them go. My experience has been one that verifies the idea that it is better to live without a 'imagined' bond to people who would do you harm. Only random chance has you born to someone and just because you can't pick your family doesn't mean that you are meant to suffer them in your life.
Mark: I agree with you on clean breaks! I recently talked to a woman who simply moved away, and she spoke of how that transformed her relationship with her controlling and critical mother.
My two boys are the only reason I kept roots so close to home. Had it not been for them, I probably would have taken a serious adventure far away from here to change the scenery a bit.
Funny how those same boys became one of mom's favorite reasons to pick in my business and criticize me.
It feels so good to finally not care... and really not care (as opposed to not caring as a tool of self defense).
It feels so good to finally not care... and really not care (as opposed to not caring as a tool of self defense).
I heard that! Reading the comment I left, I wonder how you made sense of it!!
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Brilliant idea
Merry Christmas! :)
thanks, very good =)
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