Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And now a break for the Tiger...

I know I just returned to the blog. I know you're waiting to hear what's-up in the land of Her Side and the elusive His Side. But I need to stop by and say something about our nation's current fascination with Tiger Woods' bedroom shenanigans.

Stop it.

Just stop it.

Even if that poor man wanted to reconcile with his wife, our prying-ass nosey eyes are making the man's plight difficult. Not too long ago, I would have quickly recruited myself to team Leave His Triflin Ass. But I slowly find myself creeping to the sidelines of team Make Dat Shit Work. Because folks want the fairy tale ending without the big bad wolf or the evil stepmother.

Not one day in my life will I condone cheating. Even if you spouse is a first-class jerk. Leave their ass first. But I'm all for couples looking for ways to reconcile such breaches before the lawyers get their grubby hands on the assets.

Can we leave the Tiger alone long enough to pay attention to the shit in our closets?

I'll do my best to say-no-more about this, but ooooooooh, I'm just itching to debate all theories from sex addiction to the stress of the good-boy image.

Would somebody be kind enough to stop me from turning this into a series???


Big Mark 243 said...

It isn't going to put any money in your pockets to worry about it. Everyone has an opinion that isn't going to matter when it is all said and done. The brain effort used in thinking about Tiger is effort that can be redirected.

Anywho, all folks want to do is build obvious cases to bolster their bluster. I took another tack on a recent entry of mine ... but hell, I got tired because I got my own baking to be shaking on, you know??

Her Side said...

::High Five:: Mark on:

"I got tired because I got my own baking to be shaking on, you know??"
