Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Fiance is an Insolent Dickhead, And I Love Him Like Crazy

Fvck trying to start this blog with a feel-good post. My plan was to begin with some flowery-ass description of why we called the blog "Battle Scars and Exit Wounds." You'll have to wait for that, 'cause I have something else to say.

Love is a bitch. That much is true. I'm engaged to a man I am proud to call my best friend, but some days I want to carve the word "shithead" onto his dick. With a dull cleaver. Really. And every woman on this planet knows that feeling, and sent me a cyber-high-five for being honest.

The dickhead (who will be known to you as "His Side") and I decided to start this blog because too few couples are honest about what makes love work. Parents try to shield children from the truth - out of protection or pure embarrassment - and nobody gets to hear the raw story of how a marriage lasts longer than 5 minutes.

So here we are, taking over for the whack parents trying to appear as angels, to cover everything from communication to great sex. No. Not "mom and dad procreation sex," but the stuff teenagers fantasize about during boring History classes.

Today, the dickhead showed his ass because he didn't get enough sex last night. Okay, he didn't get any. And like the mature man he is, he pouted all day and basically terrorized me at work. Every time the phone rang, I said a little prayer it wasn't him. Okay. No need dragging the Lord into this. I didn't say a little prayer. I really said, "Dammit. Here we go with this shit again."

This blog will be the source of many fights, because we agreed to (1) be brutally honest while (2) giving the other person a chance to respond with their side. If it gets bloody, just turn away and move along. That's why you pushed the damned button that said you're mature enough to read this shit in the first place.

Now keep it moving. I must go upstairs to enter the Pout Zone.


Blu Jewel said...

Oh, I'm so going to enjoy this.

Muthafluffa said...

I can so relate.... My to-be-husband is a complete fuck wit. I love him to death, but i have never been with anyone that just refuses to see my side of things. He doesn't give me enough sex! It drives me crazy! I try to be all romantic and sexy and he would rather wank me off than get it on with me physically. We are thinking of investing in our family car..... i cannot drive a manual but he is refusing to get an auto because it's 2 grand more (god forbid) If your getting a $35,000 loan what's an extra $2,000? besides, i'm his wife-to-be and his future children will be in that car. it's just fucking selfish for him to get what 'he wants'. Grrrr. i have finished venting, for now! Thanks guys!

Anonymous said...


just signed up and wanted to say hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.
